How Persecution Helps the Gospel Spread

Sep 9, 2018    Will Pareja

Can anything good come out of Christians suffering for the sake of the Gospel?

You can’t limit God’s people to a plot of land. You can’t constrict God’s Word to the publication of a Law. You can’t confine God’s presence to a place of praise. Israel, you have missed the point of your history and religious institutions if you miss Jesus Messiah—his life, death, and exaltation— as the new center or foundation of faith (7:51-54). Stephen's conclusion? You’re just like your rebellious ancestors rejecting God’s messengers. And, rejection of God’s messengers is on par with rejecting God himself.

 Main Idea: God sovereignly uses persecution to spread the Gospel.

4 global principles:

1- A courageous, right preaching of the Truth often ignites persecution.

2- Persecution on the surface seems to threaten the church, BUT...

3- God uses it to spread the Good News.

4- Persecuted believers deserve our loyal, active sympathy.